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Open Enrollment Trends Underline Need for Consumer Health Resources

Open enrollment is currently underway for the health insurance marketplace, but recent surveys indicate that many folks are planning to opt out of signing up this year. A November Bank rate survey found over half the people who signed up for Obamacare last year don’t plan to participate again in 2015. The primary reason given was higher insurance prices, which illustrates the heightened role consumer-focused resources like prescription discount cards will play in today’s health care system. More...

Paramount Rx Offers Tools for Businesses to Navigate Health Care Reform

Paramount Rx, a full-service prescription benefits manager focused on consumer-driven health care, is helping businesses assist their employees and customers in navigating the new health care landscape as prescription drug costs rise under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The rollout of health care reform ensures that prescription drug coverage will be considered an essential benefit under new insurance plans, but it’s also resulting in higher out-of-pocket expenses and copays for users. More...