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Healthier pharmacies. Healthier people.

Through our Community Cares Rx program we are able to deliver real results for pharmacies, individuals and the community at large. Community Cares Rx is a fully integrated, direct-to-consumer prescription savings program. Our preferred pharmacy partners benefit by gaining control over their discount prescription business. Participation in Community Cares Rx helps your pharmacy generate brand and customer loyalty, boost margins and revenue and give back to those you serve.

Why Community Cares Rx?

Community Cares Rx was developed to help increase customer loyalty, create new business opportunities for pharmacies, and enable our pharmacy partners to effectively manage margins and revenue, all with complete transparency.

Moreover, it provides immediate savings to millions of American families in need, and strengthens communities by giving people an easier path to affordable prescriptions.

How Community Cares Rx Works

Community Cares Rx Delivers for Pharmacies

Enhanced Profits

Community Cares Rx consistently delivers the most advantageous marketplace pricing. By delivering a lower total cost to the consumer with increased reimbursement to pharmacies, we're able to help our partners stay more profitable while giving consumers easy access to prescription drug savings.

Gain More Control

We have firsthand experience with the financial and operational challenges that pharmacies face, and we've designed Community Cares Rx so that it's easy to integrate with all of your existing loyalty or in-store pricing programs. All cards are pre-activated and offer immediate savings to individuals and their families.

Reach More Customers

Our discount card program and community outreach capabilities help generate positive word of mouth, drive brand awareness and loyalty and ultimately grow the pharmacy customer base. We handle the creation, production, and costs associated with bringing the discount program to market.

Results You Can Measure

Utilizing proven marketing resources and strategies, Community Cares Rx puts discount cards into the hands of consumers, giving them access to affordable prescription coverage, driving store traffic to our pharmacy partners and building consumer goodwill in communities.

We created Community Cares Rx because we care.

As pharmacies continue to evolve toward, and launch, innovative health care delivery and wellness initiatives, attracting new loyal customers and maintaining them creates opportunities for short- and long-term growth. We are dedicated to aligning consumers’ needs with the business goals and focus of pharmacies.

Community Cares Rx is provided at no cost to consumers. By enabling easier access to affordable medications, we can help increase prescription adherence, which may lead to improved health outcomes. Individuals enjoy easy access to the program by visiting our customized website or speaking with our member service center. With strategic relationships with more than 57,000 participating pharmacies Community Cares Rx is accepted virtually everywhere, with discounts valid on all FDA-approved prescription medications.

Community Cares Rx is committed to making prescription medications more affordable and accessible to every member of the community. Our regional outreach programs and proactive marketing resources enhance awareness and build consumer goodwill in communities. Community Cares Rx reinvests in the cities and towns in which we do business, donating to local charities and organizations.

About Us

Paramount Rx is invested in the long-term success of its partners and dedicated to improving the lives of American families in need of more affordable access to prescriptions.

We work hard to fulfill that mission, every day.


Postal Mail
Paramount Rx
2054 Kildaire Farm Road, #403
Cary, NC 27518